Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday's Assignment

Maddie's tongue by scookster
Maddie's tongue, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Today, let's illustrate the emotion of being happy. Make a photograph that represents happiness to you.
Don't you just wonder what's going on in that little brain of hers?  We don't get to see her too often as she lives quite a distance away.  As with the other two, the piano is an attraction. She's gentler with the keys- doesn't pound away...yet!  Not quite sure what she was focused on when I took this shot.  It's so difficult to get a decent one as she is always on the move. I do notice that she sticks out her tongue a lot- I wonder if it's because her gums are sore. She's not a complainer but there's no teeth so you got to wonder.  Ended up choosing automatic- the spot of the dial dedicated to kids.  Figured I'd get a good shot eventually.

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