Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

DSC_5371 by scookster
DSC_5371 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that incorporates a circle.
Funny how my interpretation of the assignment is not always what it should be.  Here I thought today's assignment read "make a photograph of a circle within a circle."   I wonder if I've always been a poor skimmer of text.  Recently I notice that I am getting more information wrong than not, so I would think I'd take the time to read more thoroughly. Anyway, as I was driving home I kept looking for a circle within a circle.  Finally decided on taking a photo of a tire- which has a round rim within the circle of the tire.  Not very interesting but fit the assignment.  Well, that's hardly what I needed to do.  So with my 35 mm 1.8 lens I decided on the light fixture in my kitchen.  I've had this lens for awhile but barely have used it and don't know quite what to do with it.  I think it's better suited for indoor work and because it is so light you'd think I'd use it more often.  Why lug around this zoom lens when I don't need to.   I held the camera away from my eyeball trying to get closer to the lightbulb and hoping that my extended arms wouldn't shake too much.  The one drawback that I have about this lens is that there is no vibration reduction.  But the picture came out fairly well so no complaints there.

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