Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_5229 by scookster
DSC_5229 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that illustrates the idea of freshness to you.
I've had a clothesline up forever but I hardly ever use it anymore.  I know that lots of people like the smell of laundry that's been dried outside.  I could never get into that or the feel of it.  So often linens felt stiff after drying outside.  I took a class this weekend on exposure and was trying to remember how to set the camera to capture movement.  I guess I was able to do that without blurring the picture too much but then the background looks kind of dark.  So I tried to lighten it up in Photoshop and it looks a little better.   But I wish I could figure out what I needed to do at the moment to not only capture movement but the lighting as well.  Darn!  I am posting to Flickr now so I am hoping to post more pictures to that and to this blog.  It's really time to get back in the swing of things I guess.  And besides, the more I shoot the better I'll become!

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