Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_5562 by scookster
DSC_5562, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that features metal or a metallic surface today.
I've been gone for a few days.  Met up with family at a local indoor water park.  Can't figure out why I don't bring my SLR along for the ride.  I seem to be using the camera only when I'm by myself- not when I get together with family and friends.  I think I'm too self conscious about using my camera in front of people.  Hopefully I'll get over that.  Anyway, today's assignment focused on metallic objects.   I was given this little trinket by one of my superiors.   She's from China and often brings us back souveniers. Today is one of those days that I wished I had a macro lens. Tried using a couple of different lenses to see which one would allow me to get close enough to the owl.  Ended up with my telephoto lens- and a little bit of manual focusing.  Still relied on the P setting.  Not too adventuresome when it comes to changing speed or aperture.  But that's okay with me- and hoping someday that too will pass.

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