Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

Speed or the sense of speed can add excitement to a photo.  Make a photo of something going fast or that can go fast.

Perhaps in his younger days he was a speed demon.  I think he could have leapt over our fence if he had given it a second thought.  And to look at him you'd think he was a lean, mean, fighting machine.  But the greying around his muzzle gives him away.  I think he is nearing age 12- he still has some speed when he is so inclined but we can tell that arthritis is beginning to set in.  He's not so apt to leap onto the couch or bed like he used to.  I wanted to shoot other objects in motion today but no luck.  Everything seemed to stand still.  I don't think I have the right kind of lens to do that as I couldn't put the aperture as high as I wanted to- or maybe it's the user who doesn't know what she's doing.  So instead I alluded to the dog who used to be a sleek and graceful runner in his earlier days.  Sad to see him grow old but then again it's what happens to the best of us.....

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