Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere.  Make any photo that shows new life.

This was certainly an easy one.  Of course, any plants in bloom or beginning to bloom would show the stirrings of spring.  I so wished I could have found someone mowing or washing their car.  Living in the northern hemisphere prevents us from doing those kinds of things most of the year.  Our spring is way too short, summers are often too hot, and before we know it winter is upon us.  This is a photo of my Annabelle hydrangea.  It needs partial shade and I'm hoping it will do well in my front yard.  So far it's hanging in there.  My first picture was of a yellow finch but my zoom lens was acting up.  Any attempt at getting close to my bird feeder sent the birds flying.  Seeing yellow finches certainly lets me know that warmer weather is a coming!

Shot with zoom lens and auto setting.

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