Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Sunday challenge: Create a photograph that makes you feel happy looking at it.  Don't stop at good.  Go for a full on happy.

Remember when all we had to worry about was catching the bubble?  When I look at this little guy who gets so excited by the bubbles and screams at the top of his lungs, all I can do is smile.  I don't remember his sister screaming like he does.  He's not one for words; pointing and grunting is his thing.  But he gets so excited by new things- you can't help but feel happy.  I ended up shooting this in automatic.  Once the bubbles started flowing he kept moving out of my line of vision so I figured if I wanted anything worthwhile I might as well just shoot as quickly as I could.  I do notice that whatever I am pointing at is not necessarily the thing that is the sharpest.  If I do a close up of this picture the sharpest thing is the rattan chair in the background.  I guess it would be smart to focus in on my subject instead of other objects.  How could this little guy not be in focus!!!  I can't believe that I was not shooting straight on.  I've done that before and have obviously not learned from my mistakes.  Or, maybe he was moving which is why he is blurry.  There's so much I have to learn!

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