Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday's Assignment

It's metal Monday!  Find a metallic subject today and make an interesting photo.

Actually, it may be metal Monday but in my house it's prince spaghetti day.  I found a lot of metallic objects around the house but seeing that I was slaving over the stove I thought I'd use this instead.  I do so like my stainless steel stove and the pan has been in my family for 50+ years- kind of a heirloom I guess.  Wonder if my boys would be excited if I willed it to either one of them?  I have opted to use the auto setting more and more.  It is so much easier as I don't have to give the camera much thought.  I guess that's the easy way out but for now that's what I chose to do.  At least I'm keeping up with the assignments!

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