Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

As you walk through a door today, pick one at random, take a moment to see what's around you and make a photo.

Finally got the kitchen cleaned up- which adds to the attractiveness of this photo.  Can you imagine what it would have looked like with all of the clutter that usually accumulates on my counters?  I'm sure that's what keeps me from cooking (yea right)!   I have said it before and I'll say it again- if I could live in an all white house I would, but keeping it up is a pain.  Over the years I've had to touch up anything that I've painted white.  I guess that says something for stain.  But I like the look of a white kitchen albeit we do have a dark green counter and stainless steel appliances.  Perhaps someday we will update the kitchen but for now it serves its' purpose.

Shot with automatic setting today.

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