Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

As you walk through a door today, pick one at random, take a moment to see what's around you and make a photo.

Finally got the kitchen cleaned up- which adds to the attractiveness of this photo.  Can you imagine what it would have looked like with all of the clutter that usually accumulates on my counters?  I'm sure that's what keeps me from cooking (yea right)!   I have said it before and I'll say it again- if I could live in an all white house I would, but keeping it up is a pain.  Over the years I've had to touch up anything that I've painted white.  I guess that says something for stain.  But I like the look of a white kitchen albeit we do have a dark green counter and stainless steel appliances.  Perhaps someday we will update the kitchen but for now it serves its' purpose.

Shot with automatic setting today.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Ansel Adams said "A good photograph is knowing where to stand."  Use your feet today to zoom or get a unique perspective.

I actually think I got a pretty good shot here.  I decided to pay attention to the foreground and the background before I took the picture.  Zooming in is still an issue as I can only get so close before the camera locks up on me.  But I'm learning and that's what counts.

Shot with auto setting today.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

We get energy from a variety of sources.  Make a photograph of the energy that's most important to you.

Amazing when you shoot directly at the sun it's just as blinding as if you were looking at it with the naked eye. I figured that since the sun is often fleeting here in the midwest that it's probably the source of energy that is most important to me.  But because of the last few sunny days I had to spend an hour or so mowing after work.  And because of the last few sunny days the weeds are about a foot tall and will take me forever to pull.  But thank goodness for sun- the flowers are in bloom and spirits are high.  If only the temperatures would stay in the 60's and 70's for the next few months.  Now that would be heaven.

Shot with manual speed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Plastic is everywhere.  Make a photograph that illustrates a use of plastic in your life today.

This is an example of my life which is total chaos.  Nothing is organized; nothing is clean.  I have plenty of books on how to empower my life through organization yet I've barely gotten past the covers.  I am easily distracted when it comes to cleaning and organizing.   Something more interesting gets in my way and I end up doing that which is more interesting.  I am beginning to think I have a little bit of adHD.  Maybe some day I will conquer the mess in my house and live in total bliss.  I probably wouldn't know what to do with my self!

Used auto focus today- just wanted a quick shot.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Challenge: Side lighting can emphasize texture and add depth to a photo.  Make a dramatic photo with side lighting today.

Wasn't quite sure how to stage this photo today.  I kind of like this photo as our black dog looks like a silhouette with the light bouncing off the wall.  I could have lightened it up in photoshop but I wouldn't have gotten the same effect.

Shot with automatic setting after many attempts with manual.  Got frustrated with ? flashing too dark, too light etc etc.  Wish it would make up its mind!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Train the eye to look for repetition.  Make a photo of a repeating subject while considering composition and DOF.

My first thought was to take a picture of my drawer of socks.  They are usually in repeating rolls and colors.  But the size and shape didn't look right to me.  Then I tried my comforter which has repeated shades of ovals and I would had opted for that although there wasn't much to the composition.  So then I noticed this laundry basket and thought that it had some simple repeating objects.  Not too sure about the composition and DOF.  l supposed I covered both of those without really knowing what I did.  I kind of like the behind the scenes repetition too.

Shot with a shorter lens and on auto.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere.  Make any photo that shows new life.

This was certainly an easy one.  Of course, any plants in bloom or beginning to bloom would show the stirrings of spring.  I so wished I could have found someone mowing or washing their car.  Living in the northern hemisphere prevents us from doing those kinds of things most of the year.  Our spring is way too short, summers are often too hot, and before we know it winter is upon us.  This is a photo of my Annabelle hydrangea.  It needs partial shade and I'm hoping it will do well in my front yard.  So far it's hanging in there.  My first picture was of a yellow finch but my zoom lens was acting up.  Any attempt at getting close to my bird feeder sent the birds flying.  Seeing yellow finches certainly lets me know that warmer weather is a coming!

Shot with zoom lens and auto setting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

What's your favorite type of music?  Make a photo today that in some way conveys your taste in music.

For whatever reason my parents never bought me the piano that I so desperately wanted.  Finally, during my 30's I bought my very own- maybe it meant more to me then because I was able to purchase it with my very own money.  Or perhaps my parents knew how fleeting these desires are.  So for ten years or so I played it religiously- teaching myself and then relying on instructions from a friend who also taught piano.  The music brought me so much pleasure that I thought I was in heaven.  Then along came the invention of the computer and my interests suddenly changed from piano to computer.  There is so little time in a day to devote to either one of these items that I opted to become computer literate and the piano was pushed to the side collecting dust (guess my parents were right).  I have good intentions on playing once again.  It's just one of those many things that I hope to resume once retirement comes my way.

Shot with automatic setting

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

Make a photo of something that isn't there.

Sometimes these assignments seem so difficult at first but then as the day goes on I think of more and more things that I could take pictures of.  Some of the photos uploaded to the site are so creative- missing encyclopedia, empty cupcake pan, part of a candy bar eaten.  But surprisingly no one has taken a picture of a toilet paper roller.  After all, that's the first place that comes to mind when I think of something that isn't there.  I probably shouldn't say that because my family has always been good about replacing this necessity.  They've gotten smart over the years as the extra supplies are not kept in the bathroom.  Ended up using a manual setting for this and then fixing the contrast in photoshop.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday's Assignment

It's metal Monday!  Find a metallic subject today and make an interesting photo.

Actually, it may be metal Monday but in my house it's prince spaghetti day.  I found a lot of metallic objects around the house but seeing that I was slaving over the stove I thought I'd use this instead.  I do so like my stainless steel stove and the pan has been in my family for 50+ years- kind of a heirloom I guess.  Wonder if my boys would be excited if I willed it to either one of them?  I have opted to use the auto setting more and more.  It is so much easier as I don't have to give the camera much thought.  I guess that's the easy way out but for now that's what I chose to do.  At least I'm keeping up with the assignments!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

I must say I feel like I'm intruding in his nocturnal activities.  I doubt that he ever thought some crazy lady would be out shooting him with a blinding light.  I was a little amazed that he didn't get spooked by it and sat patiently for me to finish.  I think he was just imaging the juicy tender sprouts waiting behind him-if only we'd get out of the way.  Had no idea what I was shooting outside.  There is an auto setting depicting night scene and I settled for that.  No more experimenting until I have more time to spend to this hobby of mine.  Besides shooting at night is not my idea as I want to get to bed pronto!  So I bid you adieu!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Break a rule today.  Centered composition is boring and taboo, but it can be interesting.  Try it!

It's a little late in the day for me to throw something together, but throw it together I did.  I figured that every shot I take is centered composition but I didn't realize it was boring and taboo.  Guess that's another thing I need to read into.  So I'm what.  I do spend a lot of time looking around my space trying to come with something not "so boring" and every once in awhile I guess I surprise myself.  But for this assignment I do think I will give it a unique title: Round is Boring.  While attempting to fit in with the nature of this photo and the use of automatic settings and focus, I discover that I too am boring.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Bright, vivid colors can draw attention and add "pop" to a photo.  Make a photo that has vivid colors today.

I live in a world of muted colors- and black and white.  If you were to come into my house you might think that I am rather drab.  If I could have a stark white house I probably would, but I would have to live sans dogs and humans.  All day I kept thinking about how I would stage this photo, especially since I didn't think I could find much in the way of bright colors.  I was looking at the photo website and saw that someone put together a lot of marbles for their picture.  That would be perfect for me as I had a big bag of marbles at home.  Notice how I said "had."  Where did I put those marbles and is it possible that I no longer have them?  I've pretty much given away anything kid related and now that I need some kid things I have nothing.  A bag of marbles? Obviously taking up too much room in a closet somewhere.  So instead I'm using my pencil/pen holder as it's about as bright as I get.  Of course, the container without a plant was pretty drab yet I didn't think dandelions would cut it.  So here is a sprig or two of some early blooming plant- lucky the wind didn't carry them away when as clicked the shutter.  That would have been just my luck!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Every time town village, and city has some distinguishing icons or landmarks.  Make a photo of one whee you are today.

My home town and it's bullet rocket.  Reminds me of the bullet pop-sycles I can by in the freezer section of the grocery store.  I have no idea what it means and it's not what I would call a distinguishing icon but it's been here as long as I've lived in this town.  Something to brag about?  Not!

And on the other hand, I visited a nearby town and found something that I could truly relate to as a landmark.  The section of water cascading over the damn gives one a sense of serenity.  It is an area where residents can spend the day walking the trails, feeding the ducks or relaxing by the canal.  It would certainly be nice if all of our suburbs used their waterway as a was to bring forth serenity.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Can a picture suggest smell?  Make a photograph of something that we can almost sniff and smell.

Want to guess how many of these pictures I took?  Way too many!  Even now I think that it's probably not as sharp as it could be.  I am having trouble manipulating my lens to focus in and out- not quite sure what's happening there.  And I am resorting to more photos set on automatic lately.  Maybe I'm becoming too lazy or maybe it's because I don't have a lot of time to devote to this new hobby.  But I do have to figure out what's going on with the manual focus and auto focus part of my lens- it's becoming quite frustrating!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

Pretend you're a stringer for your local newspaper today.  Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you.

Too busy to find a newsworthy photo today so thought I'd use something that my dad did years ago.  He had a special talent for superimposing.  He was pretty unique as he did all of his work by hand, but I think he would have had a field day with computers and digital cameras.  I especially like this photo as it not only has the dog and background, but it also includes my mom and dad.  I can only imagine the poses that my mom had to go through before the photo was complete.  Wonder if he knows I've taken up photography....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Look for colors that complement each other and make a photo using complementary colors to full effect today.

Naturally I'm taking this assignment literally- do they mean complement or compliment?  When I look at the photos uploaded I see a variety of photos- some of which actually show complementary colors instead of complimentary.  I really thought my basket of yarn would hold some interesting colors that I could use but I've must have gotten rid of a lot of my leftovers.  And my garden is loaded with green shoots- hardly any color.  Things are just beginning to poke their way out of the dirt but I noticed one plant that was an early bloomer.  Now it's not an actual red but it's as close as I'm going to get to a "complementary" color.  I used manual setting for this photo but I've discovered that for the most part I have a difficult time viewing pictures in the LCD panel when I'm outside in the sun- so I just took my chances and hoped this picture was in focus and the lighting was correct.  Another thing I am still having difficulty doing is focusing in on what's really important.  If you zoom in on this photo you'll see that some of the leaves are sharp but the flower and other parts of the leaves are not.  I just can't remember to do everything!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Bird's are beautiful and rewarding to photograph.  Challenge yourself by making a photo of a bird today.

Not happening today.  Everytime I got close enough to a bird it took off soaring and I wasn't going to be traipsing through the swamps and forests in search of a quacking duck.  Besides, it's 6:30 and I only saw two mallard docks who wanted no part of my photographic skills.  Guess I should have crawled out of bed in the early hours to see the flocks settling into the nearby ponds.  You can count on me doing that tomorrow morning NOT!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Pretend words don't exist, only images.  Make a photo today that conveys a story to those who see your work.

So you can guess I read a lot- or else I have a pile of books that I should be reading.  It's really the latter- I have so many things to do and so little time to do it.  Reading is one of those things I really enjoy doing.  It's what I do for my job and you'd think I'd be flying through these books.  But as soon as I pick a book up and read a chapter I think about something else I should be doing and fly off to do that.  Like taking a picture and blogging about it.... (I am thinking I just might have a little ADHD).  If and when I can finally retire I think I still will be reading young adult books as I find them pleasurable but I wouldn't feel so pressured to get through so many.  On top of that I'd still have time to do the other things that I enjoy doing.  It's just a fact that I don't have enough time in a day to do it all.  Darn sleep gets in my way yet I enjoy sleeping too.  Just wish I could figure out what I enjoy the most and spend the most time doing that.  Maybe I could then look at something I do well instead of feeling like I do everything half-assed.  Today the little ? in my camera kept telling me to change the image quality but no matter what I changed it to the flashing ? kept flashing.  I wish it would be more specific- but what do I expect?  If I want the pictures to be perfect then I'd better keep it on automatic!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Make a photo without composing by looking through the viewfinder: over your head, from the hip, on the ground, etc.

Meet Fuzzy.  A dog who has traveled from one corner of the state to another.  In his first life he was taken care of by a young girl named Maddie.  She loved and hugged this dog to the point that he thought he had finally found heaven.  Unfortunately, Maddie has grown up and is no longer able to care for Fuzzy.  He was lonesome and scared and unloved.  Fortunately for us, Maddie thought that Fuzzy belonged in a younger house with young children, hoping that they too can feel the outpouring of love that Fuzzie has to give.  So this past winter after a long train trip Fuzzie arrived at the doorstep of our little man and little lady.  They were overjoyed to see this creature.  He is big enough for the two of them to sit on at the same time.  We know he will continue to give the joy and the love that he shared with Maddie to these two deserving little people.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Put down your big, fancy camera today.  Fully engage your artistic side by making a photo with minimal gear.

You mean that I would have taken better pictures with more gear?  Like what?  Bigger lens?  Another filter?  Thought that's what I've always been doing.  Nothing new here- been using the minimal plus my brain to take the pictures that I've been taking.   I used the automatic feature today.  Interesting how both the foreground and background are blurry yet the birdhouse is super sharp.  I wanted to get a sharper picture of the budding leaves in front of the birdhouse but I guess I was too focused on the house instead- interesting how it does that without me having to do much thinking.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Henri-Cartier Bresson said "Photography is nothing- it's life that interests me."  Make a photo that reflects this quote.

Note the lack of a photo here.  I just couldn't get inspired today.  Had lots to do and the weather was lousy so I couldn't go out to scrounge up some kind of interesting life.  Even the kiddies were having their meltdown moment.  Must be something atmospheric.....maybe I'll be more creative tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

Speed or the sense of speed can add excitement to a photo.  Make a photo of something going fast or that can go fast.

Perhaps in his younger days he was a speed demon.  I think he could have leapt over our fence if he had given it a second thought.  And to look at him you'd think he was a lean, mean, fighting machine.  But the greying around his muzzle gives him away.  I think he is nearing age 12- he still has some speed when he is so inclined but we can tell that arthritis is beginning to set in.  He's not so apt to leap onto the couch or bed like he used to.  I wanted to shoot other objects in motion today but no luck.  Everything seemed to stand still.  I don't think I have the right kind of lens to do that as I couldn't put the aperture as high as I wanted to- or maybe it's the user who doesn't know what she's doing.  So instead I alluded to the dog who used to be a sleek and graceful runner in his earlier days.  Sad to see him grow old but then again it's what happens to the best of us.....

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Blue is the color of sky and water.  Many call it the color of hope.  Make a photo with blue and what it represents to you.

I did so want to have a blue sky today but as usual it's overcast.  Don't have a lot of items that are strictly blue unless they are summer items that have been put away.  Found this planter that I've used occasionally. I really like how the light bounces off of the ceramic glaze.  Years ago blue used to be my favorite color but I've since gone over to the dark side and choose mostly dark colors.  If I give myself the opportunity to look at things from a different perspective I am hoping to see the endless possibilities that color can bring.  I shot this with auto settings but even photoshop lightened it up some.  If I stayed with the original picture you wouldn't have seen the green in the evergreens.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Sunday challenge: Create a photograph that makes you feel happy looking at it.  Don't stop at good.  Go for a full on happy.

Remember when all we had to worry about was catching the bubble?  When I look at this little guy who gets so excited by the bubbles and screams at the top of his lungs, all I can do is smile.  I don't remember his sister screaming like he does.  He's not one for words; pointing and grunting is his thing.  But he gets so excited by new things- you can't help but feel happy.  I ended up shooting this in automatic.  Once the bubbles started flowing he kept moving out of my line of vision so I figured if I wanted anything worthwhile I might as well just shoot as quickly as I could.  I do notice that whatever I am pointing at is not necessarily the thing that is the sharpest.  If I do a close up of this picture the sharpest thing is the rattan chair in the background.  I guess it would be smart to focus in on my subject instead of other objects.  How could this little guy not be in focus!!!  I can't believe that I was not shooting straight on.  I've done that before and have obviously not learned from my mistakes.  Or, maybe he was moving which is why he is blurry.  There's so much I have to learn!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Paper is versatile and malleable.  From napkins to origami, it's all around.  Make a photo of something made out of paper.

Simple yet elegant.  Couldn't live without it.  That and toilet paper!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Make a fashion photo today: a person modeling clothing, the clothes in your closet, an accessory that defines you, etc.

Here are all of the clothes that no longer fit.  I guess that truly defines me.  I keep waiting for that moment when the weight will suddenly fly off and then I can fit in these clothes again.  It's been two I even anticipate the possibility?  Is it just wishful thinking?  Or by the time I do get back into shape these clothes will no longer be in style.  But then again I was never one for being stylish- just wanting to wear the clothes from my skinnier years.  Darn yo yo diets!  Took a bunch of pictures trying to get the right exposure.  Some came out too dark, some too light.  Even when I used automatic the lighting appeared too washed out.  So I took this with a setting at S and shot with a slower speed.  Because it took so long for the lens to close I did have resort to using my tripod.  Otherwise the items would look rather blurry.  Even still when I look close up some items are clear and some are blurry- must be the types of fabric that lend itself better to beginner photographers.  I was shooting straight on so I can't figure out what the issue is.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Health care is in the news and affects all of us one way or another.  Illustrate your feeling about health care in a photo.

As we age I realize that affordable health care is a thing of the past.  Layoff, unemployment, social security, medicare, medicaid- where does this really leave us?  I know that I appreciate the fact that I do still have insurance and for better or worse it takes care of most of my medical issues.  But it does make me think that I choose my behavior and perhaps some of my ills could be thwarted through better habits.

I don't think the exposure is right in this picture.  But if I did auto correct in photoshop it would make the picture too light.  So to adequately see the number of pill bottles I thought I'd leave it the way that it is.  I can be grateful that these are NOT the pills that I take.  That's for my better half.