Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Make a photograph of something circular and crop it within a square frame.

Okay- so this is boring but it is round and it is within a square.  And I actually used my manual settings to take this picture.  The most interesting thing is that the ? which usually appears in my viewfinder did not appear this time.  Not sure if it was because there was enough light reflecting off the white of the bowl to enable a decent shot.  On a sad note Sony point and shoot camera died.  It's a few years old but had been working up until recently, but it appears the CCD (which has something to do with the squiggily lines running up and down in the LCD panel) chip has died.  Sony was replacing them up until March as I guess they were defective but their free repair is no longer in effect.  It's nice to have something else to use when I don't want to be carrying around a clunky 35 mm so I guess I'll be doing some shopping via

Shot with manual setting today.

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