Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

What's your favorite device to access the internet?  Make a photograph of it today.

When I took this picture using the automatic setting the keyboard came out awfully dark.  For whatever reason I couldn't get the flash to go off.  Guess I should have found a darker room to shoot in.  I uploaded it into photoshop and used the auto fix to lighten it up a little.  Must be the silver against the white that disables the flash.  Haven't spent much time fooling around with manual settings.  Where I thought I would have all the time in the summer that's not the case.  Too many things to do and little time to do them all.  I do like coming up with the shots- just the process that eludes me.  And perhaps the next time this assignment comes up I'll have an ipad to shoot instead of this laptop.  Just dreaming.....

Shot with automatic setting today.

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