Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Your viewer's eye will tend to follow a line.  Make a photo that uses leading lines to direct the viewer to your subject.

The straight line of the garden gate directs viewers to the plants along and behind.  I am hoping that the direct line will welcome visitors into my backyard- invited of course- to peruse my many plantings and structures.  It has become such a work in progress.  Today I shoveled at least 3 yards of mulch for our playground area.  Once that is complete we will have a place to show off  our Little Tykes slide and my very own pergala arbor with full bench seat.  I still have to finish shoveling in the rest of the mulch but by the end of today I could no more lift a shovel than lift my little pinkie.  Hope I'll be in better shape tomorrow.

Shot with automatic setting today.

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