Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Make a photo of elements that are strikingly different from one another to add tension and interest to your composition.

You might say to yourself that this photo has to have been taken in some turn of the century home. Who else would still have brick on their bathroom floor.  Well, I can say with some satisfaction that this is, in fact, our "master" bathroom floor.  It is the same floor as the one we had when we moved in during the early 80's.  (I think it is the original floor, and this home was built back in mid 1960's.)  And yes, it is one of the many unfinished projects in our house.  I think it has become such because it is tucked away in the corner of our bedroom and the only one who sees it or cares about it is me.  We did attempt a partial remodel when my brother and his family came to visit during the late 1990's.  After that, it just became another project to add to my list.  I'm sure we'll get it done eventually.  It's small- just has a shower, toilet and sink.  Sure would be nice to have a huge master bathroom but on my list of things to spend money on that's not it.

Taken with automatic settings today.

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