Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Find the shape of a letter in something around you--architecture, nature, or anything not in print--and make a photo.

I can't believe how much effort I put into looking around for something that resembled a letter--only to finally see this "E" which had been right in front of my face most of the day.  I was beginning to think that I had absolutely no imagination.  I dragged my camera with me as I ran my errands thinking I'd find something along the way.  Even as I put out more of my garden items I couldn't find anything that looked like a letter.  As I went outside for one last look around my yard I finally saw what I've should have seen all day.  It's my rain gauge holder-- only I can't find the rain gauge container which is really beginning to annoy me.  It's copper looking and I know it's right in front of my face somewhere.  The mess that I live in is overtaking me- I wasted so much time looking through crap but I still couldn't find what I was looking for.  I'm sure that as soon as I open the shed door I'll find it tomorrow but until then it's annoying me.   But at least I found my letter!

Taken with manual settings today.

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