Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Using contrast in your photography can give you very artistic shots.  Make a color photo with high contrast today.

Guess there's a decent amount of contrast in this photo but I don't know how artistic it is- maybe the rain drops add some artistic finesse.  I really just pointed the camera and clicked the shutter.  A lot of my flowers are beginning to bloom but there's not as much contrast with them- blue against green, white against green, etc etc.  I love daylilies as they are constantly blooming in the spring and early summer.  They'll even rejuvenate enough to bloom again in the fall.  Most of my plants have yellow flowers but there are a few with reddish blooms.  Unfortunately, I don't have enough sun in my backyard to add more to my garden.  So for the moment I'll enjoy what I have.

Shot with automatic setting today but using the flower setting on the dial.

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