Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Contrast subjects of different size today.  Be subtle or make it obvious, it's up to you!

Today, a friend and I took a road trip to Hornbaker Gardens which is located in Princeton, Illinois.  It's a good 3 hour trip but Chicago but oh so worth it.  It's out in the middle of nowhere and is known for it's hostas and daylillies.  I had heard about the gardens several years ago after listening to Kathy and Judy on WGN radio and had often wanted to go there but never found the time.  So glad I went as it is a beautiful nursery and garden.  Reasonable plants with a huge number of perennials, shrubs and trees.  I took this picture of two iron statues but it's difficult to discern the two.  I don't even know if you can make out the bird in the foreground but I liked what I saw so I decided to use it as today's subject.  So subtle it is!  (Actually, if you click on the picture to enlarge it you can see the two iron statues).

Shot with automatic setting today.

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