Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Lens flare is typically avoided, but can be used deliberately to a good effect.   Make a photo with creative lens flare.

Waited all day to take my photo but unfortunately the clouds rolled in and the rains came.  Every time the sun would peek out from behind the clouds I'd run out with my camera only to see the sun disappear.  We have too many towering trees in our yard so I stood in front of my neighbor's house and waited.  As I pointed my camera to the sky the neighbor came out to ask me if I needed any help.  Obviously she thought I was stalking her house and didn't realize I was her next door neighbor.  That's another story for another time but briefly we are not too social and barely know anyone on our street.  To say we've lived next door to this neighbor for 29 years and rarely speak is an understatement.  But like I said that's a story for another time.  Don't know what I did to get this picture other than blind myself as I looked directly at the sun.  Hopefully you can see the circle in the middle of the picture- a ring which I am assuming is a lens flare.  Don't know how that happened but I'm going with it.

Taken with manual settings today.

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