Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Pick an everyday subject and get as close as you can to it.  Make a photograph and post it.

Can you smell these berries?  Their fruity smell is especially pungent.  Bought them on Sunday and of course they are still in the box.  I have a habit of neglecting to wash newly purchased fruit and generally it begins to mold.  Guess this is my subtle reminder to get moving!

Took a variety of close up pictures today.  As usual, the shutter would not close if I was super close to the object.  But for whatever reason, I could get pretty close to these strawberries.  I don't know if it was the lighting or not- but if the focus feature was on automatic I tended to have more problems.  That did not hold true with the berries so here is my everyday subject as close as I could get.

Shot with manual settings today.

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