Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Find a grid pattern somewhere- maybe a brick sidewalk or ceiling tiles- and make a photo of an interesting slice of it.

This photo isn't so much about the grid pattern of the brick but of the ivy that's beginning to overrun our premises.  We've been in our house for nearly 30 years and when we first moved in the siding and brick was crawling with ivy.  It went up the front and into the eaves and the window frames.  Knowing the damage the plant could do to the wood (not to mention the problem we'd have with re-staining the siding) we pulled and pulled and pulled until there was no more.  That was not an easy task as ivy has these amazing little suckers that hang on for dear life..  Imagine my surprise to see that it has resurrected itself after all these years.  I wish I could get it to grow as well in my shade garden.

Shot with automatic settings today- too much to do and no time to do it!

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