Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday's Challenge

Sunday challenge: Make a photo of something you cherish today in beautiful light.  Arrange and move things if you need to.

Had trouble thinking of things I cherish.  Of course I cherish my family but I am trying not to include any of their photos until I can figure out how to decrease the pixel size.  And of course I cherish my dog but I've already included many of his photos.  But things?  What exactly do I cherish?  I really don't have things that mean a lot to me but then again, maybe I do.....  There are plants that I've planted in memory of my parents and Cari but they haven't begun to bloom yet.  And then I thought of something and it's the wind chime that I received after my dad died.  I have it hanging off my balcony so that every time it rings in the wind I think of him.   I have my friends Deb and Jan to thank for this very cherished gift!

Shot with manual settings today- much easier to do outside.

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