Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Make a composition of a wall and what is against it: art, shelves, etc.  Consider the rule of thirds and watch your light.

Another unknown photographic term: rule of thirds.  So I did a little research and realized that every time I take a picture I should remember the rule of thirds.  Still don't understand it and at first I thought it meant to shoot something that divided the wall into thirds.  And I had some shelves that we've just built in our second bedroom but they're empty and nothing to speak of.  But then I realized that that's not what I was looking for.  So with a little manipulation and then imagining this picture divided into 9 squares I still don't think I get the idea.   But at least it's better than 3 empty shelves against a wall.

Shot in a semi-dark bedroom with manual settings, lights to the back and the right.

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