Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29

Joe Pyeweed by scookster
Joe Pyeweed, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Today's assignment is to take a photo of something I enjoy doing or a hobby.
I have many things that I enjoy doing- one of them is being on the lookout for new and exciting blooms in my yard.  This being a rather dreadful summer weather-wise, I haven't been too lucky with my flowers.  My hydrangeas, for example, have yet to bloom and I think they are called "ever blooming" hydrangeas.  But Mr. Joe Pyeweed is putting on a fine show right now.  I don't know what I actually saw in this plant- not too exciting when it comes to flowering.  Teeny tiny little buds but they are a plenty and the butterflies like them, although I haven't seen too many butterflies this year either.  Hmmmm...and to think it's almost August when my garden really goes to pot.  But there's always next year when I can once again focus on my gardening skills.

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