Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29

Joe Pyeweed by scookster
Joe Pyeweed, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Today's assignment is to take a photo of something I enjoy doing or a hobby.
I have many things that I enjoy doing- one of them is being on the lookout for new and exciting blooms in my yard.  This being a rather dreadful summer weather-wise, I haven't been too lucky with my flowers.  My hydrangeas, for example, have yet to bloom and I think they are called "ever blooming" hydrangeas.  But Mr. Joe Pyeweed is putting on a fine show right now.  I don't know what I actually saw in this plant- not too exciting when it comes to flowering.  Teeny tiny little buds but they are a plenty and the butterflies like them, although I haven't seen too many butterflies this year either.  Hmmmm...and to think it's almost August when my garden really goes to pot.  But there's always next year when I can once again focus on my gardening skills.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21

purple coneflower by scookster
purple coneflower, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph featuring nature in some fashion.

So many things that I could have taken pictures of in my backyard it wasn't so darn hot out, and if those darn biting flies would have left me alone.  Every time I saw something that I wanted to take a picture of I would try to sneak out of the house to get a close up.  But the birds would take off before I took one step out of the door.  So I thought I'd try another attack- sit outside on a chair and non-chalantly wait for them to appear.  Unfortunately, that's when those nasty flies would begin their feast on my legs.  I wonder if its the heat that brings out the worst in them or if they are just a biting species?  I wanted to take a picture of a goldfinch that was perched on the coneflower but I just couldn't get close enough to it. There were other great shots of birds in my birdbaths but they too did not want their picture taken today.  This is about the only flower in my garden that is not wilted or bug devoured. I'm sure tomorrow will be another tale of woe.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20

Hot enough for you? by scookster
Hot enough for you?, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph today that features the use of low contrast to create a mood or feeling.

Took this photo of the little guy yesterday after he dunked his face in the little water table.  I think he could do that all day, although he wanted to go between the water table and the sandbox.  It's not like he could dunk his entire body in the water table- they really are only good for playing in- not swimming.  But he could submerse himself in the sandbox so he was loaded from top to bottom with sand.  Thank goodness he was a good sport about running through the sprinkler a couple of times.  Took most of the sand off the surface of his body.  Unfortunately, his pull-ups secretly held a bucket or two of sand.  It was only after I brought him in did I notice the pile on the floor.

I wasn't quite sure what the assignment meant when it said to use low contrast.  It's sunny and hot and horrible out today so it was difficult to find anything with low contrast.  I took this picture yesterday while we were on the back patio.  Using the histogram it appeared to me that it was showing low contrast- but that's my opinion only after researching what low contrast meant.  This picture certainly shows mood as it was a great day for swimming and sweating.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17

shiny by scookster
shiny, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Yesterday's assignment- take a photo of something shiny.

While watching son #1 wash his car, I thought to myself "here's a photo of something shiny".  Hot black car, sun reflecting off of the water that was sprayed onto it, shiny chrome.  Didn't post it on the dailyshoot page as I was kind of lazy last night.  Today's assignment seems kind of difficult, but when I looked at this photo I discovered son #2 with baby reflected in the chrome.  I obviously didn't realize it when I was taking the picture, but sure am pleasantly surprised.  I guess it's another one of those happy accidents.  As usual, I didn't have my camera with me so resorted to my iphone.  I find I am using that more and more lately.  I definitely need to get back to my 35 mm.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14

Chai Tea morning by scookster
Chai Tea morning, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
To celebrate today, take a photo of your favorite beverage or libation today.

Haven't had a chai tea since school ended.  I had gotten in the habit of ordering one everyday, which can be pretty expensive if you think about it.  Starbucks is not cheap but their drinks are oh so good.  I took this picture with my iphone as I wanted to try out the Instagram.  It's an app that adds a little artistic flair to a photo.  I'm sure I could have done the same with Photoshop but I was in a "try an app" mode.  Things have been pretty hectic around here lately which is why my postings have been few and far between.  Family is in the midst of some serious health issues so my photo taking has been put on the back burner.  I sure hope we are over the worst of it but one never knows.  I guess that's why I thought I needed a chai tea day.  And I must say it is delicious.  Hope to post some pictures from the last few days but will have to see how today goes....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 9

morton arb by scookster
morton arb, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Create a photograph that makes you happy.

Any picture take of these little guys makes me happy.  Took this yesterday during our trip to Morton Arboretum although I had to resort to my phone as I didn't want to carry the big one around the park.  Wish I would have gotten little m in this photo but her parents were probably scattering to reign her in.  The weather was great but I think every mother and their brother had the same idea.  We probably could have hung out at this stream for most of the day but there was much to see.  The only thing that we didn't do was traipse through the pond.  I don't think their dad would have been too happy about that.  We did it last year and the two survived but kind of rethought the idea this year.  It was super crazy trying to keep track of a 4 year old, 2 year old and a 13 month old.  They all had their own ideas of where they wanted to go- and it was never in the same direction!  Would like to go back but will wait until it looks like rain- and then pray that it doesn't.  I am not big on crowds and there were too many people here for my liking.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 6

Green pepper anyone? by scookster
Green pepper , a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Photograph something green.  Don't settle for vaguely green.  Go for saturation.

Of course, when I think of green I think of the green Camero.  Don't want to photograph that again nor did I want to take pictures of my plants.  I do that all of the time.  As I was walking around the grocery store this morning I was keeping an eye out for anything green. Naturally, there are lots of vegetables that fit the bill- lettuce, cucumbers, apples, green onions etc etc. And then I saw this display of green peppers.  I love green peppers and dip.  Sometimes I like green peppers by themselves.  They are full of vitamins and o' so healthy for us.  I didn't have my camera with me but I did have my phone.  I do think it did a pretty good job of it. But don't you just wonder what makes these peppers shine?  Is it the lighting or is there some kind of wax on the peppers.  Makes ya wonder.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5

rhythm of repetition by scookster
rhythm of repetition, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Pattern is built on repetition, like rhythm.  Make a photo of a regular or irregular pattern.

Another photo courtesy of the Garfield Park Conservatory.  And like the last I do not know the name of this plant.  Isn't the pattern of these leaves amazing?  Hard to believe that this is a natural outcome.  Looks almost like it was reproduced in a laboratory.  Could have lightened the photo a little in Photoshop, but in reality the area where I was shooting was shadowy, so why make this picture any less real?  Remember, these plants are from the rainforest where light is sometime elusive.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 3

Giant Butterfly by scookster
Giant Butterfly, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Play with contrasting scale today: juxtapose something small with something big.

There are several problems with making my backyard a bird sanctuary- one of them being the issues of birds flying smack dab into the windows and knocking themselves senseless. I had to put decals on my kitchen windows years ago as I've always had a feeder there. Every once-in-awhile a bird will still fly into those windows.  The decals must reflect enough so that the birds realize the window is actually stationary, not a reflection of another bird. Unfortunately, washing those windows is an ordeal as I must remove the decals, wash the windows, and then reapply them.  The store where I get my bird feeders/food was selling these huge 3D butterflies that I could just attach with suction cups. A great idea for when I need to wash my windows.  I purchased 2 sets as they only come in a set of three. Unfortunately, even though I had 5 on one of the sliding glass doors a baby downy woodpecker flew right into the window.  I think he was just dazed as he/she eventually flew off but I was devastated as this was the first year I've had downy woodpeckers.  Haven't seen the baby in awhile though, but am hoping he just flew the coop. And if they don't keep the birds safe they look pretty, so I guess I could say they have a dual purpose.  Haven't seen many butterflies this year but then again maybe it's too early.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2

Another flower by scookster
Another flower, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Feature a plant in your photograph today.

So grateful that I was able to go to the Garfield Park Conservatory this week.  Had never been there and my very two best friends decided to take me on a tour of the west side of Chicago so that I could visit it.  I think I am a well traveled Chicago-ite.  I know how to get from point A to point B and I am well aware of the areas of Chicago that I shouldn't visit by myself or at night.  But they thought it would be great fun to get on the Green Line in Oak Park and take a short ride into the west side of Chicago.  So hanging onto my camera and keeping it close to my body, we get off of the Green Line a block away from the conservatory.  It would be just my luck to be one of those unlucky people who've been accosted for no reason this summer.  Take my wallet; take my phone;  but don't take my Nikon!!!  Anyway, the conservatory is a collection of a huge variety of plants- some native, some tropical, some weird looking stuff.  Being a novice photographer, one of the things that I neglected to do was to take a picture of the name of the plant that I was photographing. Have no idea what this plant was except that it was in the fern room.  Kind of looks like a lily but that's a wild guess.  All of the flowers were drooping so I had to get low to take this shot. Had my telephoto lens with me which was really a necessity as some of the plants were quite tall.  A macro lens would have been great too but that would involve me getting on the ground and my joints are not working too well lately.

So glad we went on Wednesday as the storm on Thursday caused great damage to their glass windows.  Unfortunately, the conservatory is closed indefinitely :(

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 1

Scenes of summer by scookster
Scenes of summer, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph today that features the sky.

This is what I would call a "scene of summer"- more this year than previous I would assume.   Today's assignment was to go out and photograph the sky.  The forecast was sunny and darn right hot today.  Went out early this morning and the sky seem to be in the same state that it was last night- cloudy cloudy cloudy.  I looked out every once-in-awhile to see if it was clearing up and it was not.  But I did get a brief glimpse of some light behind the clouds so went out to shoot what I could.  I don't know how I did this photo- one of those accidental shots I guess.  No matter how I aim at the sky the lens goes in and out trying to focus.  So maybe I looked at the light in the clouds and then focused on the trees which makes this appear to be more of a silhouette- when in reality is was pretty light out.  All in all I think I am grateful that it didn't get as hot as they were forecasting!!  It may still get close to 90 but it's 2:13 in the afternoon and somehow I doubt it.