Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 17th

Fourth Presbyterian Church by scookster
Fourth Presbyterian Church
a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Take a photo through a window or of a door or a window.
Spent the day downtown with my very good friend DB and luckily for the two of us we are in the same boat.  Know a little about 35 millimeter cameras but no way are experts. But every time we take a new class we learn something a little bit new to us and the more repetition that we get the better we will have a chance to retain.  The gal who took us around on the Chicago Photo Safari was young and showed no distaste for one brand of camera over another.  Her lessons were short which made me think these classes were not meant for the truly beginner.  Deb and I still consider ourselves beginners as we forget what we are doing.  But when options and switches and dials are discussed we have a fair idea of what they are talking about.  I especially liked that fact that this trip took us to several spots in the city.  Areas that I was familiar with, but never took the time to really go and find it for the historical and pictorial features of the area.  The first was the park up near Lincoln park conservatory.  It is an area where we practiced depth of field with the groups of flowers available.  After that we headed down to the Fourth Presbyterian Church on Michigan Ave.  Of course there was a wedding being photographed and this picture looking through stained glass was the best I could do.  We went to a small fire house near the Hancock Building but there was lots of fire activity and they wouldn't let us into the building.  So from there we headed to Millenium Park for shots of water fountains and the Bean.  So many people downtown today and lots and lots of wedding shots.  Would I do this again?  I certainly would, especially since we went to places that I had not heard of.  It was easy to get to, easy to park, and especially easy when you go with friends.  Of course, it helped that the weather was darn perfect!

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