Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29

frugality by scookster
frugality, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo that illustrates the economy and its impact on you in some way.

I of course am keeping the economy going by way of my online purchases.  These items are the newest in a long line of things that I am prompted to try.  I was reading one of my favorite blogs recently and the author was discussing the Bento lunch box.  Naturally, I had to do a little research and thought that these items would keep me on track with my weight watcher lunches.  There were a large assortment of boxes- big, little, colorful and muted.  I went for what I thought would be the appropriate size for me and much to my surprise the containers are no bigger than the chopsticks pictured here.  And very convenient of the Bento suppliers to provide me with an eating utensil- one I have no use for of course.  The compartments are quite small- I can barely fit a half cup of yogurt in one section.  But generally that's all I eat besides the fruit and vegetables so I am pleasantly pleased with my purchase.  If you notice I had a boatload of cantaloupe in one container- unfortunately, my co-workers mentioned the cantaloupe recall while I was eating it, and I quickly lost my appetite.  Probably could have kept eating it- after all I had eaten the melon all week.  I guess the knowledge of throwing the rest out gave me some sort of reassurance that Listeria will not come knocking at my door.

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26

self portrait by scookster
self portrait, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a self-portrait, with or without the camera in the frame.

Tried a variety of self portraits but didn't have much success.  I guess I could have whipped out the tripod, set it to self-timer and taken one that way.  But I was trying to avoid any extra work, so in the end I was holding the camera in my hand or trying to prop it up on some boxes.  Nothing worked to my satisfaction.  So how did I take this shot?  With my iphone of course.  Then with the help of Photoshop I was able to get rid of the winkles and add some interesting texture. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 26

Mundane Sunday by scookster
Mundane Sunday, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make an interesting photograph of something mundane and ordinary today.

Remember when there were always invites to Tupperware and Pampered Chef parties? Then there were Tastefully Simple and a host of others.  It always sounded like the sales person made tons of money which made the prospect of getting into that kind of business even more appealing.  Never went so far as to investigate any of those home party companies. But this is my all time favorite Pampered Chef item.  In case you can't tell, it is their can opener.   What I love about it is that it eliminated the sharp edge that you'd get when using one of those old fashioned kinds.  Took me awhile to get the hang of it but I'd never go back to a generic can opener.  Nor do I want an electric one- this one suits me just fine.  I used my 35 mm lens along with a macro extension tube.  I'm finally getting the hang of the macro tube but what I had trouble with was my darn external flash.  Don't know if it's on the fritz or the battery is dead.  Often wonder if the damage that the flooding rain caused to my camera is finally catching up to it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23

Only in America by scookster
Only in America, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Lose the rectangle today. Make a photograph with a square aspect ratio and post it. Crop if needed.

Now that I am looking at this photo I am thinking it's not quite squared.  But I was driving around town looking for some kind of sign that would be considered un-rectangle like.  For the most part I couldn't find any sign that was shaped like a square.  For advertising sakes, I wonder if rectangles are more appealing to the eyes.  Fortunately, I did see a few "do not enter" signs and quickly thought that they were squared.  I kind of cheated with this photo though.  My original photo did not have the words "exit only."  As I was passing by our post office I noticed that someone had written the words "exit only" on their sign.  I could have turned around to take the photo but then decided that's what photoshop is for.  Besides, it's too much trouble to find somewhere to stop and park.  But why oh why did someone need to write those words on that sign?  Is that how life is these days?  Does no mean no except for the other guy?  Obviously it must be the sign of the times.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21

Eye popping colors by scookster
Eye popping colors, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Bright, vivid colors can draw attention and add "pop" to a photo. Make a photo that has vivid colors today.

Took a quick run over to the grocery store to see what was "eye popping" color wise.  Still don't have the courage to whip out my 35 mm camera so I resorted to using my iphone.  I think it takes pretty good pictures if I do say so myself.  The store has a decent arrangement of flowers but it's the ones in the refrigerated section that are the prettiest. There are arrangements of blues and purples and artificially colored flowers.  But I definitely found this arrangement of pink roses to be the most "eye popping".   I even like how I picked up on the yellow flowers in the background- gives it a little bit of definition.  

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19

Up close and personal by scookster
Up close and personal, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph with a central point of interest in it.

Had my camera out shooting things in the backyard when I thought I'd try my macro filter again.  I don't have much luck with it nor did I feel like dragging out my tripod.  But I wanted to give it a try.  Wish I could figure out how to get my auto focus to work with the filters. Trying to manually focus without a tripod is nearly impossible.  But on the other hand, I can't get low enough to the ground with the tripod that I have.  So there I was, kneeling on the stones, trying to pick up the center of this tickseed plant.  The wind was gently blowing so as soon as I snapped a picture I could see that it was blurred.  Finally decided to try to get something for the camera to rest on.  In the midst of this process the smell of dog urine is beginning to overtake me.  No matter how much rain we get that dog marks everywhere I like to go and it doesn't dissipate.  So quickly I rested the camera on a sand pail and snapped the photo.  Did use auto as my setting of choice.  Too much to think of at the moment.  Wish the yellow of the flower came out brighter but the assignment was to focus on the center.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 17th

Fourth Presbyterian Church by scookster
Fourth Presbyterian Church
a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Take a photo through a window or of a door or a window.
Spent the day downtown with my very good friend DB and luckily for the two of us we are in the same boat.  Know a little about 35 millimeter cameras but no way are experts. But every time we take a new class we learn something a little bit new to us and the more repetition that we get the better we will have a chance to retain.  The gal who took us around on the Chicago Photo Safari was young and showed no distaste for one brand of camera over another.  Her lessons were short which made me think these classes were not meant for the truly beginner.  Deb and I still consider ourselves beginners as we forget what we are doing.  But when options and switches and dials are discussed we have a fair idea of what they are talking about.  I especially liked that fact that this trip took us to several spots in the city.  Areas that I was familiar with, but never took the time to really go and find it for the historical and pictorial features of the area.  The first was the park up near Lincoln park conservatory.  It is an area where we practiced depth of field with the groups of flowers available.  After that we headed down to the Fourth Presbyterian Church on Michigan Ave.  Of course there was a wedding being photographed and this picture looking through stained glass was the best I could do.  We went to a small fire house near the Hancock Building but there was lots of fire activity and they wouldn't let us into the building.  So from there we headed to Millenium Park for shots of water fountains and the Bean.  So many people downtown today and lots and lots of wedding shots.  Would I do this again?  I certainly would, especially since we went to places that I had not heard of.  It was easy to get to, easy to park, and especially easy when you go with friends.  Of course, it helped that the weather was darn perfect!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15

Old or old-school? by scookster
Old or old-school a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Go old-school today and make a photograph that either features an old subject or simply looks old.

This camera belonged to my dad and I don't have the motivation that I need to sell it.  I really don't know why I am hanging onto it.  During his years as a professional photographer he had plenty of cameras, often ones that were won from contests that he entered.  He was a big proponent of film photography, and I don't know if he would have enjoyed digital as much.  I guess over the years he had given most if not all of his photography equipment away, and when he died he left this one behind.  It still has a roll of film in it and I am tempted to have that developed.  Unfortunately, during his last few years he began to have an interest in photographing female models.  I hate to admit it but his pictures probably could have appeared in Playboy.  My mom was a saint as she let him use his photography skills as he saw fit.  My brother and I would laugh at his behavior.  After all, he was in his 70's and early 80's.  He probably thought it was art; most others would not.  And as he entered the early phase of Alzheimer's he began to develop an interest in vampires, so would often cast his models in some kind of vampirish scene.  I guess that's why I'm a little hesitant to develop the film- would it be the "talk" of the film developer?  Don't know if I want to find out.

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12

DSC_0710_360 by scookster
DSC_0710_360, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate the word equality today with a photograph that shows your favorite interpretation.
I wish the assignment would be "inequality" instead of "equality."  Then I could show my paycheck next to the vacuum cleaner.  Why do I have to do everything when I come home from work while the other half  ignores that which needs to be done!!!  Do I sound bitter? Yep.  But then again it's always been that way- should have talked equal division of housework way back when but we never did.  So I guess I'm stuck doing it all.  As for today's assignment I've opted to show the kids piggy banks.  You might think I overindulge with ten dollars each.  That's what grandparents are for, right?  I want to be equal with all and when the two little guys stop by we inevitably fill up their piggy banks with change. Of course, E is good about putting money in little M's bank too.  They are all pretty heavy right now- and we need to be equal across the board.  If either son has another baby it'll probably break my bank as I'll have to catch that baby up to the rest.