Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Daily Challenge: Hollow

Our Daily Challenge: Hollow by scookster
Our Daily Challenge: Hollow, a photo by scookster on Flickr.

No turtle soup for dinner as the occupant of this shell is long gone.  But where has it gone? I don't think I have ever seen a turtle shedding its shell, so I guess we'll have to blame a critter or two.  We obtained this shell sometime ago for our display case at school.  Almost passed it by as I was trying to locate things that were hollow.  Makes a perfect shot for the assignment if I do say so myself.  Couldn't quite figure out a good shot for the shell, especially since I wanted to capture the "hollow-ness" from front to back.  Went over to Lake Katherine after work, thinking I could place the shell in the reeds along the stream. Unfortunately the workers there are on the ball and all of the foliage had been trimmed back. Not one stinkin' reed, bush, or shrub anywhere!!!  Decided to just plop myself on the ground and shoot from front to back, taking in whatever I could.  Unfortunately the shell reflects the light and looks shinier than it really is.  And the water is not as blue as I'd like it to be.  But I'm doing my best, people, so no complaints from the peanut gallery please.

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