Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30

triangular by scookster
triangular, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Today's challenge assignment was to find something triangular.  Couldn't think of much until I walked past this catapult at the zoo.  And to my surprise I saw a triangular shape base made of trunks and tree branches.  Couldn't ask for anything better.  The only vision I have of a catapult was when it was used in the tv show Little People Big World and one of the boys was severely injured.  Theirs may have been constructed out of heavy timber while this seems to be more out of tree branches.  Not sure if the zoo actually use it as they have buildings in close proximity.  I'm sure there are places to drag it to so that people can see a number of pumpkins catapulted and smashed to smithereens.  Oh what fun!  Surprisingly there were tons of people at the zoo today.  I thought the weather would keep them back but no such luck.  And when I found out little M wasn't coming I hightailed it out of there and sought the warmth of my vehicle.  Could have found refuge in some of the buildings but there were way too many kids to my liking.  That's what I get for not leaving early and getting there when the doors first open.

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