Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30

halloween by scookster
halloween, a photo by scookster on Flickr.

So I am back to taking pictures again. I've joined several groups on Flickr and am trying to figure out how most of them work. Two of them give out challenges- daily or weekly. One you can post to only for a week after the challenge and one gives dates when challenges will end. This cage hangs on a tree near my house. Every day that I drive past it I always look to my left as I catch it in my peripheral vision. I know it's there; yet it always catches me by surprise. It is rather creepy- even more so as I got closer to take this picture. Of course, I posted it to the wrong group and got slapped on the hand for it. The group that I thought I was posting it to actually wanted a "macro" photo. I understand where they are coming from as they have tons of members who are posting daily. Will have to rethink my photo for the assignment as I'll need to use a macro filter.

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