Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Find something that's out of context today, natural or staged, and make a photograph.

Don't know how this pillow pet ended up here.  If it had any idea it would have thought otherwise.  Maybe you can tell that this used to be the trunk of a rather nice looking car- a '95 Impala.  But then we upgraded to a mini van and I oh so wished someone would have bought this car off of us or that we would have traded it in.  But for some reason my dh thought that it would be a great idea to remake this car- from the head lights to the tail lights.  It does keep him occupied, although I wished he would take more of an interest in some necessary home repair.  I guess he could be spending his days sitting in front of the television so I should be grateful.  So for now the house is not high on his priority list.  Darn!

Shot with manual settings today.

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