Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ODC: Myths and Legends

ODC: Myths and Legends, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Slay the dragon, Sir Lancelot.

Actually, my thought was that this photo were be included in the assignment called "magic and magicians."  When in actuality there was no assignment entitled that; it was called "myths and legends."  When I realized I was barking up the wrong tree I turned to Merlin the Magnificent instead of Harry Potter spells.  Unfortunately I still haven't figured out a way to get everything clear in the picture.  Used my macro camera and when I focus it's always on one spot, not the entire picture.  Don't know if that's how macro is anyway as I tend to have that problem with my other lens as well.  The object of this photo is from a snow globe that I have.  Years ago my family would buy snow globes from the San Francisco Music Box Company.  I absolutely loved getting those presents; unfortunately, they left our area soon there after so I only have four or five to call my own.  But they are all gifts from the heart that I will always treasure.

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