Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15

The Name Game by scookster
The Name Game, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that has the first letter of your name in it.

It's obvious that my imagination is eluding me.  Where in the world would I find something that looks like an "S."  S-hooks are obvious choices but not very interesting.  But then I found this garden hook hanging from a tree in the back yard.  I had used it to hang a fresh fruit bird feeder but unfortunately no birds were attracted to it.  Maybe next year I'll get my Bluebird (and perhaps Oriole) paraphernalia out earlier so that the fruit eating birds will flock to my yard. In reality the only thing I did get with the fresh fruit was ants.  On a side note, I hate going out in my yard these days.  My summer vacation is over in two days and I did absolutely nothing out there.  I had such big plans- level the edging, fill in the play area with more mulch, clean up the stone where the grasses are, plant more Hostas, and thin out the bushes.  I love working in the yard but there were too many issues that took precedence over summer plans.  Hopefully school will be enough of a distraction so that I can finally get off my big butt.

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