Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13

Questionable Collection by scookster
Questionable Collection, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo of a collection that you have.

Don't own many collections of things unless you count my electronic items and photography misc.  There isn't really much in this house that tells a tale.  Here today, gone tomorrow to the recycling bin is my motto.  But the few cookie jars that I've collected over the years are the things that I've yet to let go.  I can't say that they make me happy now.  Long ago I decided to collect them when I had a shelf built in the kitchen.  The people who knew would begin to buy jars for me- my late daughter in law brought me one, my son drove home from school late one night just to surprise me with a cookie jar on my birthday.  Even my husband took it upon himself to pick several up in the northern woods when he'd go fishing.  I had fun collecting them but as time has gone by they've become collectors of dust and don't quite mean what they meant to me.  But how can I get rid of them?  The people who gave them to me gave them with love; I wouldn't want to disappoint any of them by getting rid of them.  Guess I will just have to pass them on to the individuals so that they can enjoy them as much as I have.  After all, I'm streamlining my house and the less I have the better. Time for payback I guess.

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