Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Wood by scookster
Wood, a photo by scookster on Flickr.

Have decided to actively start taking pictures again. Don't know why I was so excited to get into it a couple of years ago and then slowly lose interest. I guess I do that with many projects that I start. But seeing that I am officially retired I really have no excuse. It must be in my blood; my dad was a pretty good photographer back in the day. But because I naturally shied away from getting my picture taken I really had no interest in pursuing this hobby. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the bug hit and I must now have every lens known to man and no idea how to use most. But since I belong to Flickr and follow some of the groups, I figured I might as well get back into it. Last week's assignment for MacroMonday was "wood." Not being very creative I decided to go with colored pencils. So I polished the end table, put some pencils in a cup and started shooting. For whatever reason this particular photo has been noticed. So far today, via Flickr, it has been viewed 883 times. It also has been commented on by 24 people and invited into three different groups. I don't know what I did; in fact I didn't realize that there was a reflection on the pencil until it was uploaded. I think that reflection is actually what made this very mundane picture unusual. Who knew?

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