Tuesday, April 2, 2013


ODC: Symbolic by scookster
ODC: Symbolic, a photo by scookster on Flickr.

Took a ride over to Lake Katherine today in search of something to photograph. Had every intention of walking around the lake but discovered that I did not dress for the weather. A brisk wind was blowing from the west and it was oh so cold. Decided to quickly find some early blooming flowers so that I could accomplish the "symbolic" assignment for the Our Daily Challenge group on Flickr. I always seem to be two steps behind the to-do list and because of that many people had already posted similar pictures. I've never have early growing flowers in my yard; don't know the reason other than I've been too lazy to plant bulbs. But I do so enjoy seeing these little buds emerge for I know that spring will soon be following. Unfortunately, this year the weather is not co-operating. It is much too cold for April and before we know it the heat of the summer will be here. Once again spring will be one of our shorter seasons.

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