Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Visit a park today--national, amusement, playground--and make a photo of something that catches your eye.

Here's my little piece of a park- which is what Ellie calls it.  I set up the slide last year thinking that she and her brother would spend hours climbing the slide.  If they spend 5 minutes on it that's probably 4 and a half minutes too long.  She's really not an outside girl- especially if she sees a bug.  Maybe when her brother gets older he may be more inclined to climb on it.  I put in the arbor this summer thinking I would sit there watching them play.  Where was my brain???  To be honest, the number of mosquitos hovering around is enough to prevent much play.  Those pests seem to have gotten worse as the summer's progressed.  But I spent long hours setting up this area to make it not only a place to go but something that is appealing to the eye.  I guess that should be enough for me.  But really....what was I thinking?  Someday I will look back on this photo and hopefully see an abundance of clematis climbing up the trellis.  And who knows.  Maybe the next family who moves into this house will enjoy my "playground".

Shot with manual setting today.

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