Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Insects are everywhere.  Photograph a bug in your environment (no spiders- they're arachnids).

Stood out in the garden waiting for something to land on the coneflowers.  They seem to get the most action in my garden.  Got rather close to a bumblebee but it made a beeline for me so I moved on to bigger and better things.  Standing still was nearly impossible as the mosquitos are out in full force.  As soon as I moved they moved toward me.  I think I got a few bites in a matter of seconds.  But I digress.  I happen to notice this poor butterfly- if you can zero in on it you'll notice that the wings are rather weather beaten.  Even the color was muted so I wasn't sure if it was alive but could see the wings move ever so slowly.  So I quickly took a picture and of course it's not quite in focus.  Unfortunately, I had to bend over to swat a mosquito and when I looked back it was gone.  Don't know if it fell to the ground or took off but I had enough of the mosquitoes and headed for the protection of my house.

Due to the mosquito onslaught this photo was shot with automatic setting today.

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