Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

What tools do you use and appreciate on a daily basis?  Make an interesting photo of one such tool today.

I am fooling myself if I think I use this on a daily basis- because I don't.  But I do appreciate having it- in fact I appreciate all the uses that natural gas affords us.  That and electricity and water keeps life fairly simple.  As I took this picture I wondered how close I could get to the flame without burning the camera strap- or lens for that matter.  Guess I could get close enough as the fumes became somewhat overwhelming.   As usual, I was in a rush so I decided to shoot this using automatic.  But the flash kept going off and then the blue of the flame would disappear.  So I held the flash hood down and shot the picture with just that little light that flashes on the side- forgot what that is called.  Maybe that's what they call a speed light but I'm not sure :(  Anyway, the picture turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

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