Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Make a photo today that distills some simplicity from the complexity of the world.

One of my favorite books was Simple Abundance.  I haven't read it in years but I know that it had a positive effect on me.  I would love to live a simple life but it does take a little bit of work.  Right now all I feel like I do is my job at school and at home and text and email, watch tv and spend hours on the computer.  Realistically I should reflect on the events of our last year and take into account the little pleasures in life.  Emotionally I know that but unfortunately life goes on and we go back to our bad habits.  Reliving those events today once again makes me think about my life and what I could do to make it better.  Currently we have two little kiddies who deserve the very best life that they can get!

Tried to find some delicate flowers to show simplicity.  Not sure what these plants are called but they are perennials.  Their flowers are so delicate- but as I look closer I see they are covered in ants.  I guess that's the simplistic part of life.

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