Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Graffiti is something you can find almost anywhere.  Make an interesting photograph of some graffiti and post it.

I assumed I would have an easy time finding graffiti today but unfortunately it wasn't as easy as I thought.  As I was leaving for work I threw my camera in the car figuring I could find something around school- but nope.  I soon learned that as quickly as graffiti occurs it is cleaned or painted over.   I actually drove around town (which is something I don't often do) and discovered we are graffiti free.  Even the train station had no graffiti.  What's wrong with this picture?  I thought that some trash can or stop sign or empty storefront would have something I could take a picture of.  But nope!  So I ended up going home and thought maybe I'd get out E's chalk and draw my own graffiti.   But I did notice a line on the curb that the water department sprayed to mark our water main.  I had hoped that I wouldn't have to resort to that picture.  But my dh came to my rescue and pointed out some writing in the concrete that the boys had done 20+ years ago.  Never considered that to be graffiti but I guess it is.  Kind of hard to see- I took a quick picture as it was raining  so it's darker than I thought.

Shot with automatic settings today.

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