Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Take a photo today of a person or object in a fragile state.

Not quite sure how to get my mind to be more creative when viewing the world. I began to think about photographing some cut glass bowls that I had inherited from my grandmother, but then I observed this icicle in my neighbor's yard. We've been in the depths of winter for many months now and seeing this icicle reminds me how fragile life is- that the isolation of winter often brings us misery but even in that cold we can find beauty.

Been thinking about this picture that I took.  Not quite happy with the color- I know that I set the white balance to shade.  But then what was my meter?  Or aperature?  Or setting?  I guess I was just primarily interested in getting the picture in focus.  That plus the fact that I was traipsing around in my neighbor's yard and if they had looked out their window they probably would have wondered about the nut holding a Nikon in her hands.

On a sidenote- what's up with this text?  I can't seem to match it to my other entries.  I guess I need to learn html along with all of the other things I am trying to cram into my life.

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