Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday's Assignment

Take a picture of something being built, assembled or fabricated.  

What else would I take a picture of?  I'm always working on constructing an afghan!  I took this picture using "S" on the Nikon dial- does "S" stand for something?  I'm sure it does.  The first shot I took was kind of washed out but then I had an ah ha moment- change the white balance to cloudy and then the picture at least had some color.  I'm sure I should have spot metered somewhere along the way but not sure what that means yet.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to be able to knit like that!

    "S" Stands for Shutter Priority - you set the shutter speed the camera does the rest! I feel a mini tutorial blog post coming on...

    Keep up the good work - Practice Practice Practice!
