Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Make a photo from a low point of view.  Go for a dramatic effect by changing the appearance of the size of your subject.

It's hot, hot, hot, outside today.  After hours of staining I finally got around to taking a few photographs.  There aren't a lot of flowers in my garden right now- or if there were I couldn't get low enough to take their picture.  I have a row of coneflowers that have been slowly filling in.  Not quite sure why this picture looks so dark.  I used automatic and when I looked in the LCD panel it looked a lot lighter.  Maybe because I was kind of shooting toward the sun.  I was hoping that a butterfly might land on the flower but of course, that didn't happen.  This has really been the year for butterflies- mostly monarchs and occasionally a swallowtail.   I wish I had flowers that attracted hummingbirds but for now I'll settle for the butterflies.

Shot with automatic setting today.

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