Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Who are you?  Make a self portrait today and show the rest of us what you look like.

Well, meet my grungy shoes.  This is really what I look like all summer- gym shoes and socks.  Never one to wear sandals- I guess I like the support that tied shoes give me.  Even when it's blazing hot outside I'm still wearing socks and gym shoes.  I guess you could call these my gardening/mowing/go to the store shoes.  It's usually when I'm in a hurry and don't want to put on my semi white gym shoes.  You probably can't tell that I'm resting them on my very new arbor with seat.  Got it this week and dh helped put it together today.  Only took us about 6 hours.  Didn't realize that I would have to stain and water proof the dang thing before I can put it out in the yard.  (Reminds me of the Pella windows that I have yet to paint and we've had those a few years now.  But out of sight out of mind!!)  Also says we should sink the legs in concrete to prevent it from flying around the yard.  I suppose we should but it's pretty heavy and neither one of us feels like digging a hole.  Maybe I could put a chain around one of the legs and wind the chain around one of our trees.  That way if the tree crashes on the house then it won't matter if the arbor follows the same path.

Shot with automatic setting today- too tired to think.

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