Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

Place or find a subject floating on water today---boats, leaves, ice cubes, etc.---and make a photo!

I have a water fountain that I finally got out of the shed.  I was given this fountain nearly four years ago after my mom died.  Or maybe it's been longer but I've forgotten how many years have passed.  It really means a lot to me as it was given to me by my friends from school.  Our social committee usually gives a plant after someone dies, so it was quite a surprise to receive this in lieu of flowers.  It's so soothing to listen to- I can sit on my balcony and hear the water running down the sides of the fountain.  I often wish I had a pond but that's more work than I can handle.  So for the moment I'll enjoy my fountain and pretend there's a babbling brook in my yard.

Shot with automatic settings today.

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