Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Manhole covers have character and quietly tell a story.  Make a photo of a manhole cover in your neighborhood today.

It's been here a long time- I think this neighborhood was developed back in the 60's.  As I drove around I kept my eyes peeled for something more unusual but they all looked the same.  I wish that I had braved the weather last weekend and taken a picture of the water bubbling up from the drain hole.  The rain was so heavy that the sewer drains couldn't take the amount as quickly as it was coming down.  But to brave that weather I'd have to have a raincoat and/or umbrella and/or rain boots as the water was about a foot deep in some places.  It would have made for an interesting picture though.  That's how I am beginning to view my take on photography- would've, should've, could've.   I have to learn to be proactive not reactive!!

Shot with automatic settings today.

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