Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Make a photograph today that visually communicates a sound.  Your choice of sound, but do your best to make us "hear" it.

This was actually yesterday's assignment but I forgot to post it.  I was experimenting with my f/1.8 lens while visiting my son.  This is the lens that was recommended when Deb and I did our first class- recommend anything and I'm on it.  I guess it's good for portrait and indoor setting but I hardly use it.  And what the #%$ does f/1.8 really mean?  Now that I'm writing this I guess it might relate to the focal length.  And I did shoot this with no flash, probably in Program.  I'm getting pretty good using P instead of automatic.  And before I know it I might have some knowledge when it comes to using S, M, and A.  But I thought a raging fire would be a good choice for "imagined" sound.  The fire was burning pretty hot and the wood was doing a fine job of crackling.  I hardly ever use our fireplace but do enjoy the ambiance.

Shot with P- yippee.

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