Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Illustrate the idea of time in a photograph today.  Be as literal or abstract as you want to be with your interpretation.

Decided to place this timer on the oven so that the white wouldn't look washed out on the counter.  Funny how the white of the timer looked brighter in the viewfinder than it does in this picture.  I experimented with exposure composition but I still don't understand what I'm trying to accomplish.  I guess that's another question for the next photography class.  I set the camera for florescent lighting and no flash but not quite the effect that I was hoping to get.  I tried to focus on the actual time but the numbers look clearer than the time does.   That happens a lot and I'm not sure if I move the camera while I am focusing or not thinking about what I am looking at.

Shot with manual setting today using P.

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