Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

Illustrate symmetry in a photograph.

Been busy this week so have fallen behind in the assignments.  Have a few of these irises in my yard.  Thought they showed some symmetry but the wind kept blowing the pedals around and it was difficult to get a good shot.  But now that I look at it I realized that the background should have been darker.  Maybe I could have propped one of my black boards behind it.  One of the difficulties that I am having is that I am always in a hurry.  This one I could have planned out.  But I was so tired after a long day that I didn't seem to want to spend much time planning anything.  I did drag my tripod out which at least gave me a still shot.

And here are a couple of other assignments that I didn't get around to posting....

Assignment: Make a photograph of a symbol today.

The year is finally coming to a close.  Graduation is over and the 8th graders are gone.  I do hope some of these kids grow up over the summer.  They were a challenge to many of our teachers.  I will miss some of the avid readers that would come into the library asking for a recommendation.

Assignment: Make a photograph dominated by the color orange.  

Again, too busy to spend too much time on this one and there were loads of photos that I could have taken.  So glad this week is almost over!


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