Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

Celebrate the pretty things in life.  Make a photograph of the most beautiful thing you see today.

Haven't seen the sun lately.  Even though it is bitterly cold outside we do need to be reassured that the sun is still there and that pretty soon the temperatures will rise.  I have never been a fan of cold weather and as I age I enjoy it even less.  Took this picture on S with the iso 200 set at 1/640.  I tried automatic and the sky was not quite so dark but noticed that the iso was 100.  Could have experimented more but was too cold.  Ended up changing the contrast in photoshop.

And here are some other assignments that I've done but neglected to post....

How low can you go?  Make a photograph today from a low point of view.

I stayed with this photo even though I had others that were a little more focused.  I like the way the nose is in focus and everything else is blurred.  Can't tell the setting I used other than the iso was 800 and set at f/9.  Don't know if that means I was using A or S!!

Make a photograph featuring a path, road, or trail that leads the eye through the photograph.

Funny how the photo looked so much lighter on my little LCD window, although it was getting pretty late in the day.  Now that I look at it I probably should have lightened it up in photoshop.  I tried getting as low as I could which meant I was kneeling on the snow and ice.  The things I do to improve my shoots.  I still don't take into account the things in the picture.  All I did was figure out that I wanted to shoot through the gate and whatever else ended up in the picture was in the picture.  One of these days I'll start looking at the world around me instead of focusing on what is directly in front of me.

Don't know if I used P, S, or A but the iso was 1600 f/4.8 1/800

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